Yoga Day

Molecular Diagnostics, Counseling, Care and Research Centre (MDCRC) celebrated International Yoga Day on 21st June 2021 at Level 7, Royal Care Super Specialty Hospital to raise awareness on rare diseases. MDCRC, working for children with rare disease – Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Dr. B.R. Lakshmi, the Managing Director of MDCRC visions, by the year 2022, Tamil Nadu will be a state where there will be no kid with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy who goes unidentified.

Even amidst the COVID pandemic, MDCRC celebrated the 7th International Yoga Day on 21st June 2021, completely virtually. The event commenced with Lighting the lamp by MDCRC’s yoga instructor – Mr. Durairaj, followed by Dr. B.R. Lakshmi and team. Firstly, the team members of MDCRC performed yoga for an hour followed by the yoga instructor’s powerful insight on Yoga on a daily life. In the second session, 93 children affected with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy from more than 22 districts of Tamil Nadu participated in the session, wherein they performed various asanas in their capacity assisted by their parents. The importance of yoga for these children was reiterated and a special mention was made to all the parents also.

The backbone of the whole event Dr.B.R. Lakshmi, MDCRC team and the Little Heroes created a beautiful memory to cherish for a life time.